The Docks — 29 June 2024
Gloucester City Armed Forces Day
- When
- 10:00 am to 4:00 pm
- Location
Back Badge Square
United Kingdom
This event is the opportunity for the Citizens of our Historic City to honour and thank our Armed Forces for their dedication to duty, their sacrifice and their service to our Country. This includes serving personnel, both Regular and Reserve, Cadets and Veterans. Although there is a specific separate Reserves’ Day, we incorporate that within our event and recognise everyone all in one go. We intend to celebrate our military hence any military stalls will be entirely the call of Units (some recruit this way such as the Rifles), the emphasis is for the participating personnel and their familes to come and enjoy it. We are working in conjunction with the relevant POCs from Imjin Barracks including HQ ARRC, as well as the City Council. Invitees will include COMARRC, HMLL and the City Mayor and Sheriff. After the parade there will be stalls from service charities, live entertainment and hopefully displays plus military artefacts at Gloucester Docks in front of the Soldiers of Gloucestershire Museum.