28 June 2025

Armed Forces Day

Bradford — 27–28 June 2024

SHAPE-UK ‘Remember Us’ Armed Forces Day

9:00 am to 4:00 pm
Richmond Road
United Kingdom

This year we will continue to highlight the AF services to the Crown and the Commonwealth Contribution in WW1 & WW2 and other campaigns. Our events always recognise the different types of work our Armed Forces (AF) are involved in. We will have a military historian who will display military memorabilia and resources to help people understand how the AF operated in Bygone days. . We will display photographs of the different types of work the AF are involved in globally such as peacekeeping and delivering humanitarian aid. AF units are invited to bring their respective resources for displays such as transport and military equipment and set up stalls with careers advice and even display the different types of jobs in the AF. The cadet’s organisations are also invited to take part in the event. We will have stalls where people of all ages can take part in activities arranged by AF volunteers/reservists. We will create a film about the AF and the commonwealth contribution that will played on multiple screens at our venues. Local Armed Forces (AF) Units will have their own stall/ display. We will provide beverages cakes, food etc for guests, visiting AF units and the public and set up a pop up display in the main Hall. This year the public are being encouraged to bring their relatives (parents, Grandparents & ancestors) war medals and memorabilia to be digitised and volunteers and staff will record AF stories that need to be shared with the rest of the UK’s population. Streamers and posters will welcome the Armed Forces community and offer thanks to UK & Commonwealth veterans for their contribution.. We will also have an area where local people can informally socialise with the Armed Forces community, speak to them about the roles in the AF and offer their appreciation to the AF in person.